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Unscathed Definition in a Sentence

They shot at anything and everything, except the clays, which were often collected up unscathed and reused.
And in doing so, he opened a Pandora's box of history, emotion, frustration, uncertainty and fear that left none of us unscathed.
They were very lucky to be alive and survived their ordeal almost unscathed.
The nuthatch survived unscathed and was witnessed yesterday and today feeding hardily.
In no other city but Athens could we have come out of the adventure unscathed.
Ashcroft's injury apart, the team came through unscathed from the two Bank Holiday matches.
Most emerge unscathed but some young people become alienated from their families and end up with nowhere to turn.
When a fishing vessel is lost and all the crew make it home unscathed to find their families waiting for them it's a good result.
Almost nothing survived unscathed, but 12 plants did survive and some even grew.
He came virtually unscathed out of the two scams thanks largely to shabby investigation.
Occupants of the smashed car escaped with slight injuries and those in the house were unscathed.
Are we to believe that Park's reputation will remain unscathed from this affair?
How I managed to get through that period relatively unscathed I have no idea.
The Cougar team came through the game relatively unscathed, but three players picked up slight injuries.
Twice he parachuted into France to deliver gold to the resistance and made his way back unscathed.
The pub itself has been strengthened by buttresses to stop the subsidence worsening, and survived the tremor unscathed.
Unfortunately for Mark, although he came through the war unscathed, he has suffered since.
Perhaps it was that competitive spirit which saw him emerge unscathed from so many tumbles during his racing career.
Amid all the cuts, the Park and Ride services are to continue unscathed, with the concession of a few extra stops.
The woman, who didn't have a smoke alarm fitted, escaped unscathed after being woken up by the barking of her dogs.

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If you pay just a little bit of attention, you can get through life mostly unscathed.
With pure madness and natural disasters overtaking the entire planet, how could I believe that the Cayman Islands would remain unscathed?
He eloquently argues throughout his short hook that no one who is caught up in war ever emerges unscathed or unscarred.
We're taking it as a foregone conclusion that Dean is going to skate through the primaries unscathed.
Until recently, southern Tanzania was relatively isolated and its population of mpingo mostly unscathed.
Despite active service during the entire war he escaped unscathed apart from a nick out of his ear lobe caused by a sniper's bullet.
What I can't understand is why we just can't leave people to live their lives in peace, unscathed by our silly, ridiculous prejudices.
So far he had weathered numerous attacks, emerged unscathed and delivered a heavy blow to the Midway air base.
Despite the complications, the surgeries typically go smoothly and most tarantulas emerge unscathed.
But hope persists that the UUP risk-taker can emerge relatively unscathed from this election.
His office was evacuated and he escaped unscathed before the south tower was hit and collapsed.
In this tidal wave of deregulatory measures, the anti-discrimination legislation escaped almost unscathed.
Amazingly, he was left unscathed after being thrown onto the road when the thief refused to stop.
Her outfit seemed completely unscathed, however, without even a spec of dust to mar its pristine appearance.
This, the oldest of Emei's monasteries, was badly damaged by fire in 1945 yet its most prized treasure survived unscathed.
Not one of the city's ancient churches was left unscathed by the long years of official atheism.
My only hope is I can scrape through Christmas unscathed and not upset anyone too much.
Ronin surmised that no one had escaped the fight unscathed, and he began wondering if he should've called a retreat in the first place.
Britain rode out the US depression relatively unscathed, however, others were jockeying for position and tooling up for war.
In this way it lessens the shock of the fall, enabling it to survive unscathed.

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When he pulled the trigger his bullet thumped into the log and the crow flew lazily away unscathed.
Rather spookily, an agave and some opium poppies had survived last winter almost unscathed.
In any case, the arbitration is going forward and his piece reads like he does not expect the organisation to emerge unscathed.
They booed and jostled him and only the expertise of the Special Branch ensured he got inside unscathed.
The camera passes through a barrage of deadly jellyfish, emerging unscathed on the other side.
A groundsman miraculously walked away unscathed from a cricket pavilion that was turned to rubble when a boiler exploded.
Those left unscathed by his loose tongue will hardly be inclined to trust him.
To get through it unscathed, we all have to play by our own rules as much as possible.
He fell at the last fence on the back straight but horse and jockey get up unscathed.
Even though she was sure that she could escape from the Martians once she was captured, she wasn't so sure that she could do so unscathed.
I simply cranked the set screw back in and gathered up my relatively unscathed plastic jugs for the trip home.
Both paddlers managed to muscle and finesse their way out of peril and escaped unscathed.
When people are dropping like flies in plagues and epidemics, some actually recover, while others in their midst remain unscathed.
The moment you walk away unscathed from a car crash is, I can attest, a euphoric experience.
When we focus only on delinquent students, we allow some of the real culprits in this cycle of school degeneration to escape unscathed.
Dye is a fine hitter when healthy, but he hasn't made it through any of the past three seasons unscathed.
You can make your technical perfection and still get a shot, and vice versa, committing numerous mistakes and leave unscathed from the situation.
Both apparently came through the harrowing incident unscathed.
When bumper crops abound, even bruins just emerging from hibernation will immediately seek out whitebark cone caches that survived the winter unscathed.
After what seems like a lifetime, you emerge unscathed at the far end.

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All in all it's probably a good thing that my mum got away unscathed.
The pair emerged unscathed, but a female friend suffered serious injuries.
Art builds upon and reinvests itself, with ever more possibility and potential, unbound and unscathed by fanatical historicities and narrow idolizations.
Those men are memorialized at the nearby Inajo Monument, a small stone and plaque that itself was surrounded by fire this time around but emerged unscathed.
If an abysmal new series sneaks on to the schedules without provoking an outburst from us, it can trundle through its six-week schedule unscathed.
If a receiver tips or deflects the ball and a player from the opposing team catches it, it's the quarterback who gets dinged while the receiver gets away unscathed.
The battle that raged during the storm is behind them and Safran made her way through it practically unscathed.
Sturdy shoes and a bit of time are all you need to get out of Switzerland's biggest maze unscathed.
The spread of the phenomenon of international terrorism has not left Morocco unscathed.
New owners will simply have to follow a strict maintenance schedule to continue preserving a building which time has left unscathed.
Of the 2,210 Canadians who would return to England, only 336 came out of it unscathed.
Very few PwC clients have weathered the financial and economic crisis completely unscathed.
From our review to date, we conclude that it appears that CSIS operations emerged unscathed from this affair.
Last year, it survived the most severe U. S. recession in decades relatively unscathed.
The two or three largest suppliers on any market are hard to dislodge and in a better position to escape a price war or come out of it unscathed.
It was one of the countries that did not go unscathed through this recession.
Although relatively unscathed, Gatineau cannot escape the repercussions of the economic crisis sweeping the planet.
Take a saucer of milk to placate him and you might just escape unscathed.
Fortunately, our employees and facilities in this region escaped unscathed.
There are no guarantees that such scenic landscapes will remain unscathed if business starts to thrive on the island.

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It would be strange if with all the adversity and suffering in the world, we passed through history unscathed and unmoved.
While Joseph Losey's film bombed at the box office, the kimono, praise be, emerged unscathed.
Clearly, neither the quality of my sleep nor my escapism comes out of this unscathed.
Medical staff believe he might have come through his ordeal almost unscathed, probably with pneumonia but with no sign of frostbite.
I am pleased, though, that we have a clear draft resolution and I hope that it will make it through the voting round unscathed.
By and large, home prices sailed through the storm mostly unscathed, with very few declines reported since last fall.
If all goes well, his arm emerges unscathed and your spectator has had a lucky escape!
In this innovative book, the author proposes strategies to help a person deal with narcissistic behaviour and emerge unscathed.
The prince was an adept climber, having scaled the bluffs and trees of his kingdom since he could walk, and reached the entrance to the cave unscathed.
To make a long story short, the incident didn't have any serious repercussions on the patient's health because the young man emerged unscathed.
Above all their captain, Michael Clarke, came through the game unscathed after his back injury, moving with an unexpected fleetness of foot.
There is, of course, one notorious precedent of a British competitor who failed a drug test for a stimulant at an Olympic Games and emerged unscathed.
I think we ourselves do not always come out unscathed.
The great joke of his initial outing is that, though behaving with consistent selfishness and poltroonery, he not only emerges unscathed but is awarded a medal, with sentimental effusions, by the Queen.
Such was Llewellyn's fame that during the Tonypandy Riots, his pharmacy was left unscathed by the crowds due to his past sporting duties.
From the ship, Northumberland scout leader Nicola Eldridge, said all ten venture scouts were unscathed.
Again, such a fund can make the difference between coming out of a dry spell relatively unscathed or emerging from it deeply in debt or even forced to abandon your career.
Though Parker said parts of the city were unscathed, more than 1,000 vehicles were submerged in the Houston floods and people took instead to bicycles, kayaks and surfboards to navigate water-covered streets.
Russian media reported earlier in the week that Liashko had been captured by rebels, but he later emerged unscathed, announcing his security by posting a photograph of himself, his mother and a large white cat on his blog.
It sounds like a non sequitur, but I think what she means is that everybody was amazed by the fact that she remained unscathed, especially because of her tendency towards chubbiness.

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The more savvy of them will, of course, come to you before they drop over the edge, hoping you can steer them through this financial crisis relatively unscathed.
The victorious jouster has to turn two times his spear over his head in order to show to the jury that he is physically unscathed after the assault.
But they came through to the finals unscathed, if not unscared.
Walker, though he tried a number of times to shoot his weapon during the duel, failed to fire even a single shot and Graham was left unscathed.
The early morning assault marked a further intensification of the fighting that has flared up over the past week, with shelling reported near central Donetsk, which has remained mostly unscathed.
Augustinian unity and Augustinian theocentricity remain unscathed because paradoxically the role of Christ becomes central.
It was good of him to take the fall for you like that, I just wonder if he will come out of this one unscathed.
But regulators now have a real-life example of a systemic collapse with which to calibrate their new rules. So how much capital would the system have needed to have survived the crisis unscathed?
But if the island, with about 70 plant and animal species unique to it, has had its ecology thrown off balance, it is largely unscathed by development.
His troops emerged unscathed from the toughest section in the group phase boasting seven goals scored and none conceded, and will look to their ironclad defence and star forward Cristiano Ronaldo to make the difference.
Doctors fear Canadians won't bother to get vaccinated when faced with a future influenza pandemic after so many sailed through last year's global infection unscathed and unimmunized.
The challenge is to ensure that actions to address illegal logging, particularly enhanced law enforcement, do not target weak groups, such as the rural poor, while leaving powerful players unscathed.
Relieved to have emerged unscathed from the onslaught, Japan found their rhythm once more, doubling their advantage 20 minutes from time when an unmarked Miyama latched on to Sawa's deep cross to head home from close range.
It would, however, be difficult to claim that the political system remained unscathed, or that the prospects for a sustained political process gained strength from the tenacity of political parties.
We backpacked for ten days in total wilderness in the as yet unscathed and untrekked Canyonlands.
With regard to the recent mortgage crisis, which had not left Brazil unscathed, statistics that seemed to indicate that the country was beginning to recover offered grounds for optimism.
Despite all the unhappy endings chronicled above, some litigants have expressed their frustration antipodally and walked away unscathed.
Advice to enthusiasts intent on taking on Mont Ventoux on calf-power alone: don't take the ascent lightly, you'll need a good dose of humility and courage if you want to come out unscathed.
During the Second World War, the town was left almost unscathed by the air raids that devastated other German cities.
Mr Schröder himself looks grey, puffy and burnt out, his legendary charm and pugnacity gone, his credibility battered. Yet the Greens, the Social Democrats' junior coalition partner, had hitherto been relatively unscathed.

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People passed, but they held me not. Paphian eyes rayed upon me, and left me unscathed.
Several nasty incidents have befallen them in recent years, but all of them were miraculously able to climb out of their Volvo vehicles unscathed.
Hurricane Katrina left little unscathed in her destructive path, including the majestic live oaks for which the Gulf Coast is renowned.
Speaking from the ship last night, Northumberland scout leader Nicola Eldridge, said all 10 venture scouts were unscathed.
At the close of 2008, as a major financial and economic crisis was gathering force and creating turmoil worldwide, SSQ emerged relatively unscathed and on solid financial footing.
It remains unclear whether Juncker will emerge unscathed – he admits his reputation has been tarnished – but top people in Brussels believe that the Luxembourger is safe.
He destroyed two aircraft in accidents during rehearsals but remained unscathed on both occasions.
In 1139, Bari, the 50,000 inhabitants of which had remained unscathed behind its massive walls during the wars of the past year, decided to surrender.
None of them managed, but May and his lorry came out unscathed.
South India has remained relatively unscathed by waves of northern conquerors, and the essential Dravidian culture that defines India has remained almost untouched.
New York emerged from the war unscathed as the leading city of the world, with Wall Street leading America's place as the world's dominant economic power.
Egypt's interior minister survived an assassination attempt unscathed on Thursday when a car bomb blew up next to his convoy and gunmen strafed his vehicle.
The mysterious attempt on her life in Krivoy Rog, which injured 30 persons, but from which Vitrenko herself escaped unscathed, has had virtually no effect on her ratings.
If anything, a pinprick from which Assad emerges unscathed would simply enhance his stature and vindicate his conduct.
Should my son come out unscathed he has no one but me and I have no one but him.
Fortunately, she was unscathed, and it was fright alone that had overcome Teresa.
Satisfying herself that I had come off unscathed she smiled quietly, and, taking my hand, started toward the door of the chamber.
Neither of us had come through the conflict unscathed, but the marvelous, healing salves of Barsoom had sufficed, overnight, to make us as good as new.
He had been assured of his place providing he came through unscathed, but in the event his only pain was financial as he was restricted to the card table throughout.
It seemed unbelievable that serious mishap could have overtaken her wonderful Korak who daily passed unscathed through all the terrors of the jungle.
Meriem was unscathed for the blacks had intentionally spared her.

Unscathed Definition in a Sentence
