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Lucky Charms Martini - Drink Recipe Using Cereal

Lucky Charms Martini recipe using Lucky Charms cereal.  You're going to love this sweet drink recipe!

Lucky Charms Martini

Lucky Charms Martini recipe using Lucky Charms cereal.  You're going to love this sweet drink recipe!
Lucky Charms is my childhood.  Do you accept a cereal that is like that?

To go far the spirit of St. Patrick's Day and to show some yummy green love, why not use Lucky Charms to make something not expected, like a Rainbow Martini?

Lucky Charms Rainbow Martini_1

This is a developed Martini here, but why not be creative and make a juice martini for the kids?  Little Emerge can have a orangish juice with marshmallows crushed on the cup lid while Mom boozes information technology up along side her on a Monday afternoon.   Thanks.


  • x marshmallows from Lucky Charms® cereal red, orange, yellow, green or blue
  • 1 oz vodka or gin
  • 4 oz tonic water lemonade or white cranberry juice, well chilled
  • Splash of fresh lemon or lime juice
  • Place marshmallows in the lesser of martini glass. Pour vodka over marshmallows; stir slightly to dissolve if needed. Top with tonic water and lemon juice.

  • Rub fresh lemon slice effectually rims of martini glasses to moisten. Dip moistened rims of glasses in crushed marshmallows.

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